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HireHumans.AI Matching Talent & Opportunity




You engage with our AI agent and employers.
Our AI agents deliver ideal job opportunities for you.

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Focus on the critical 20%

You can't just stop doing the 80% tasks
You need AI to take over those tedious tasks

HireHumans.AI automates 80% of repetitive tasks with AI

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Shine on you crazy diamond

HireHumans.AI helps you be you without fear of rejection.

No more conforming or masking to fit in.

AI can prevent:

  • Unconscious Bias: Making judgments based on stereotypes or preconceived notions (race, gender, age, etc.) unrelated to the job.
  • Affinity Bias: Favoring candidates similar to yourself (background, experiences) due to a sense of connection.
  • Confirmation Bias: Focusing on information that confirms initial impressions, overlooking other qualities.
  • Attribution Bias: Giving more weight to negative information about a candidate or interpreting actions harshly.
  • Anchoring Bias: Placing too much emphasis on the first piece of information learned about a candidate (salary history, job title).

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People Competing for Jobs

Average Number of Competitors for a Job

Average Number of Applications Till Success


Average Time Till Success


You are a human being

Not a Human Doing
Let AI Do the Dull, Repetitive Tasks

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AI powered employer engagement

AI does the work to match you to job posts and apply to all jobs that match your preferences.
HireHumans.AI makes getting a job faster, easier, and better!
  1. You

    Create Your Profile

    It's a free ad to tell companies about you.

  2. HireHumans.AI

    Job Preferences Wizard

    This helps you select things you want in a job like industries, roles, salary range, etc.

  3. You

    Select Your Job Preferences

    Using the HireHumans.AI Job Preferences Wizard, you select your job preferences.
  4. HireHumans.AI

    Magic Matching

    AI will use your info to match your profile to jobs you qualify for within your preferences without human effort or bias. 
    Our legal dept. made our marketing dept. put this disclaimer in: It's not really magic. It's math.
  5. you

    Get Results

    See the positions that AI has matched you with as a qualified candidate and which jobs AI has applied to for you that you are qualified for and are within your preferences.

  6. Hirehumans.ai

    Updates & Opportunities

    AI informs you every step of the way so you know where you are in the hiring process and gives you opportunities to prepare for, stand out to, and engage with potential employers.

  7. You


    Engage with employers by submitting materials to make you stand out and communicating with them to build relationships to gain a job you want.

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Has HireHumans.AI launched yet?
Not yet... working on it!
Will AI improve hiring humans?

Absolutely. HireHumans.AI is reinventing the job market by redistributing work between AI and humans that plays to each of their strengths.

No sprinkling on LLMs to the same old tool here. HireHumans.AI is laying a foundation of automation so humans can focus on hiring humans in the age of AI with the help of... you guessed it: AI!

What will you do with my email?

We'll contact you to let you know when HireHumans.AI launches.

There will be an opt out of communications from that point on, but we hope that you'll want to hear from us after that because we're doing a great job of only sending you info you truly want.

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